IPMS-Seattle - Spring Show 2018

Clicking on category will present slideshow on that topic.
Please note: These photos are taken outside of the realm of judging for the show. If an entry does not appear in the correct category, or is not included, it is just an error with the photo presentation - models were judged independently of having their photo taken.










Special IPMS Award Winners

Best Bare Metal Finish

Sponsor: IPMS/Tacoma Green Dragon/Les Sundt Memorial Chapter

Best 1/72nd Bomber Aircraft

Sponsor: Fred May

Best British/Commonwealth Subject in Memory of George Allen

Sponsor: Robert Allen and Andrew Birkbeck

Best Canadian Subject

Sponsor: IPMS Vancouver BC

Best Fire/Life Safety Subject

Sponsor: Seaside Fire Service

Best French Subject

Sponsor: Djordje Nikolic and Jacob Russell

Best German Subject

Sponsor: Lauren Blakley

Best Italian Subject in Memory of Stephen Tontoni

Sponsor: Will Perry and Ralph Braun

Best Japanese Subject

Sponsor: Tim Nelson and Woody Yeung

Best Middle East Wars Subject

Sponsor: Middle East Wars SIG IPMS/USA

Best Military Subject in Honor of Dale Moes

Sponsor: George Stray, Roy Schlicht, and Shawn Gehling

Best Science Fiction Subject

Sponsor: Galaxy Hobby

Best Small Air Forces

Sponsor: Mike Millette and Andrew Bertschi

Edward C. Allworth Award for Best U.S. WWI Subject

Sponsor: Oregon Mid-Valley Modelers

Best WWII AFV in Memory of Richard Sullivan

Sponsor: Mark Ford and George Stray

Display Only

Show Candid Pictures


Show Honorees

Best Junior

Best Aircraft

Best Military Vehicle/Weapons

Best Figure

Best Ship

Best Automotive

Best Space Fact/ Experimental/ Sci-Fi

Best Diorama/Vignette

Best Modelfy sponsored by IPMS Seattle

Best in Show

Award Presentations