Spring Show 2025 Rules
IPMS Seattle April Show Contest Rules
Models will be judged for skill in construction, finish, realism, and scope of effort. Additional criteria are considered for special categories such as dioramas, collections, conversions. Models are judged as three-dimensional objects and are examined in all aspects. Entries may be handled, by judges both for proper table placement and for judging, as required. Models in the Contest Room may be covered by cases while on general public display, but such cases must be removed from models for judging. Judges will not remove cases from models. Models in cases will not be judged. The following is an exception to this rule. In instances where removal of a case could cause damage, and in the judgment of the respective Head Judge the case would not impede effective judging, the case may be left on for judging. This arrangement must be made prior to judging and noted in writing on the entry form by the Head Judge. The Head Judge will have the final and exclusive authority to allow or deny this exemption.
The use of plastic is encouraged; however, the use of other modeling materials is allowed as the builder sees fit. Judging standards of finish, attention to detail, and authenticity will be the same, regardless of the materials used.
Models may incorporate parts from other kits, but these should be generally unrelated to their original identity, except for minor parts such as wheels, guns, etc. Models determined to be scratch built must be entered in the proper scratch built category.
The Conversion category entries must represent a version different from that provided by the basic kit. The conversion must contain significant structural modifications to the basic kit involving extensive changes in contour or configuration. In addition to the normal judging criteria common to the entire contest, judges of the Conversion Category will give special consideration to the complexity of the conversion. A conversion accomplished with primarily commercial aftermarket parts will be at a disadvantage, therefore, against a conversion accomplished primarily by the builder’s craftsmanship - assuming both are finished to similar standards. Simple conversions may be entered in regular categories. More extensive conversions, however, must be entered in the appropriate conversion category. The builder must detail the conversion changes made to the base kit on the entry sheet or accompanying documentation. Judges have the ultimate authority to determine a model’s category placement, and such decisions by judges will be final.
Class entries will not be classified as dioramas by the inclusion of accessories supplied in the figure kit.
In aircraft and military vehicle Classes, markings will determine the category in which a model is entered. For example a C-47 in military markings would normally be placed in the Large Prop category, but if in airliner markings it would be placed in an Airliner category. A Shuttle, either by itself or attached with fuel tank and booster, goes in Real Spacecraft, while a Shuttle on the back of a NASA Boeing 747 goes in civil Aircraft.
When the missile's transport vehicle or launcher is the predominant portion of the system (e.g., SCUD, Patriot), the model will be entered in the appropriate Armor category. Military launch vehicles (e.g., V-2, ICBM, IRBM), civilian launch vehicles (e.g., Scout, Saturn), and military launch vehicles modified for civil missions (e.g., Atlas/Agena, Jupiter C) will be entered in the Real Spacecraft category.
Jet Aircraft categories include manned, rocket-powered aircraft such as the Me-163, X-1, X-15, X-24, etc.
Bases will be allowed in all categories and will not be considered in the judging except in the Diorama classes. A base may be a piece of undecorated wood, plastic or glass or it may simulate the natural surface on which the prototype would be found; however, nothing other than that surface may be used. Aircraft and military vehicles may rest on simulated ground or paving, and aircraft that need beaching gear or dollies may be so equipped. Ships may be displayed in water (no drydocks). The base must not be the predominant feature of the entry and must be of a size proportionate to the model. The Contest Chairman and Judges reserve the right to exclude oversize bases. The model may include primary crew figures. The addition of any other figures or equipment outside or not attached to, the model (e.g., support equipment, shell splashes, or buildings) will make the model a Diorama, which must then be entered in the proper Diorama category. Dioramas are judged not only on the technical merit of their construction but also on the strength of the theme or story they present, so that if two dioramas were technically equal the one having the stronger theme or story would win. A previous IPMS-Seattle contest winner may be used as part of a diorama as long as it not the primary focus of the diorama.
Judges may not judge a category in which they are entered. Judging teams will be composed of multiple judges, preferably representing different regions. Strict impartiality will be observed, and violators will be removed from judges' lists for future IPMS-Seattle Contests. Any judges disqualified for cause may not assume any role related to the contest at future IPMS-Seattle Contests and may not be present in the room during the judging for any reason. This will include, but not be limited to, administrative, scoring, photographic and other support responsibilities. Judges will be provided with a special ribbon or other device to allow their easy identification during the Show. Specially designated judging teams will monitor the contest room prior to judging to ensure models are in the proper categories for judging. They will also move models to accomplish the “splits” required in the larger categories.
Contest registrars will help determine proper entry categories for models during registration, but final category placement is at the discretion of contest judges. Judges may split categories during final judging.
Any commercially available kit may be used. Any parts provided in the kit may be used, regardless of their material (i.e., brass, resin, plastic, etc.). Generally, only parts that are included with the kit and found in the bag or box may be used. As provided above, exemptions may be allowed but must be approved by the respective Head Judges in advance of the judging.
All finishing techniques are allowed. Decals other than those included with the kit may be used. Insignia, markings, and instrument panels may be hand-painted instead of decaled. Weathering is permitted.
The modeler may fill seams and gaps; sand off rivets; drill out gun ports, exhaust pipes, or other appropriate openings; thin to scale such parts as trailing edges, flaps, and doors; re-scribe panel lines lost in construction; and add rigging and antennas.
vacuform, manufacture, or replace any part, or substitute parts from another kit; cut or separate canopies, surfaces, hatches, doors, etc. (no major surgery); combine a standard kit with a conversion kit; add anything other than specified on the instruction sheet except as shown in Section C above or specifically exempted by the respective Head Judges.
Modelers must attach at least the first page of the kit instruction sheet to the entry form and have the rest of the instruction sheet accessible to the judges for review during judging. Models entered without an attached kit instruction sheet will not be considered for an Out-of-the-Box award.
In general, models that do not represent a factual, physical prototype will be entered in one of these hypothetical categories. Each Class has its own definition of hypothetical, dependent upon the tradition and practice within that Class. Head Judges will determine whether models will be judged within the regular Class categories or moved to one of the Hypothetical categories. Entrants may chose to enter their model in either the overall Hypothetical categories (802), or in the regular categories in their Class (armor, aircraft, etc.). Final placement, however, will be determined by the Head Judges.
A collection is any group of five or more closely related items. Past IPMS-Seattle Contest winning models may be included as part of a collection, if they comprise no more than 40 percent of the collection. The entire collection must be the work of one person. The closeness of the relationship within the collection is a significant factor in judging. For example, a collection based on variants of a single airframe is a tighter relationship than one of different aircraft operated by a unit. Models comprising a winning collection may subsequently be entered as individual entries if they were not, themselves, previous winners.
The Chapter/Group entry shall be the only exception to the rule calling for the work to be done by a single individual. The intent is to provide a forum for displaying a project that is too extensive or complex for a single individual to complete in a reasonable time. It is also intended to provide a vehicle for an IPMS chapter or a group of IPMS members to exhibit a project that may have been prepared for an event or display other than the IPMS-Seattle Spring Show. Subject matter, time frame, scale, location, etc. are open. Models comprising a winning chapter/group entry may subsequently be entered individually if they were not, themselves, previous winners.