

Tips and Tricks


Tips and Tricks

DeRosia Model Building Formula

The 1:1 Scale Enigma

John DeRosia's (Seattle IPMS Member) Top Secret Model Building Formula

This short article is meant for brand new, intermediate, long time, and anytime modelers!

I have cracked (after 30+ years of modeling) the 1/1 Scale Enigma 'top secret model formula'. (See Figure 1.)

Things I have learned from the Model Enigma:

  1. Have fun
  2. Have fun
  3. Have fun
  4. Compare your models to others to learn - not to put your own work down. Every single "wow" model by someone started in the same spot at the beginning of their learning.
  5. Be proud of your accomplishments. They are works of art – results of your imagination, your hands and maybe learning something new (research etc)!! You are unique and that’s something to be proud of!
  6. You'll meet some great good and humble people along the way, and make new lifelong friends also!
  7. It only takes 'bunches' (different number for everyone) of models to get pretty good at 'things'... but always still have fun on the journey... you have to start somewhere... go for it!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. We get through the 'yucky trial's (which no one can escape)
of life by some of the stuff above!